Whig Party

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Related to Whig Party: Tory party
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Noun1.Whig Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1834 in opposition to the Democratic Party; advocated a loose interpretation of the Constitution and high protective tariffs
party, political party - an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"
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References in classic literature ?
But while Charles was outwardly, for political reasons, a member of the Church of England (at heart he was a Catholic), the Duke of York was a professed and devoted Catholic, and the powerful Whig party, strongly Protestant, was violently opposed to him.
He discusses Lincoln's political thought, including his defense of natural rights, his view of the appropriate reach of government, and the political virtues of prudence and moderation, then Lincoln's presidency as it relates to domestic policy, particularly whether it aligned with the presidency-centered politics of contemporary America, including the idea that Lincoln led a "second American Revolution" by supporting the domestic agenda that helped bring forth the Industrial Revolution, the role of Lincoln in forming the Republican Party that replaced the Whig Party after its collapse, and key pieces of legislation arising from the Civil War Congresses: the Homestead Act, the Land-Grant College Act, the Pacific Railroad Act, the National Bank Act, and the Legal Tender Act.
Except for the period of 23 years, (1847-1870), the Liberian government has been in the hands and control of the True Whig Party, a single-party state, political rulefor 110 years.
A Tory Party B Democratic Central Party C Whig Party D Unionist Party 13.
Clay was the principal negotiator of three sectional compromises, Speaker of the House for ten years, i secretary of state for John Quincy Adams, and the leader of the Whig Party for almost its entire history.
He was a member of the Whig party, supported the Union, and held anti-slavery views that caused him to lose some friends and some, but not all, elections.
In 1854, the nascent Republican Party started the process of replacing the feckless Whig Party. The new party had a clear, focused, emotional rallying cry and objective: Stop the extension of slavery into Kansas-Nebraska and beyond.
Liberians care less whether the inarticulate Weah, the perennial presidential candidate and consummate deal maker who went from being a presidential candidate in 2005, to playing second fiddle to the True Whig Party's Winston Tubman (True Whig Party?) in 2011 as a vice-presidential candidate, and is running again in 2017 as a presidential candidate, is up to the job.
Along the way, he also served as secretary of state under John Quincy Adams, founded the Whig Party in opposition to his bitter rival Andrew Jackson, and ran four times for the presidency, an office that he passionately craved but never attained.
At times, Blumenthal gets lost in the weeds (literally, when recounting the battles of Thurlow Weed and William Seward with an array of rivals for control of the Whig Party in New York).
For fifteen years, Lincoln had built a political career through the Illinois state legislature, through his marriage into the Todd clan, through his prominence in the Illinois Whig Party, and, finally, as a U.S.
(10) The vast majority were defined by their opposition to exclusion, which was characterized by attempts by the Whig party to remove Charles's Catholic brother, James, Duke of York from the succession, and their desire to protect the Church of England.