political warfare

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political warfare

Aggressive use of political means to achieve national objectives.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The Democrats take the offices, as a general rule, because they need them, and because the practice of many years has made it the law of political warfare, which unless a different system be proclaimed, it was weakness and cowardice to murmur at.
An announcement from the Supreme Court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) that its 'acting president' Sam Rainsy would return to the Kingdom on November 9 was dismissed on Sunday as 'political warfare'.
The supremacy battle between Deputy President William Ruto and Kanu chairman Gideon Moi has degenerated into a nasty political warfare with each camp employing dirty tricks against the other to gain control of the vote-rich Rift Valley.The rivalry is playing out in media houses, on the floor of both the Senate and the National assembly, in the counties across the Rift Valley and on social media.
It's being weaponised to wage cultural and political warfare. People everywhere are in a battle for control of our most intimate personal details.
The cabinet Boris Johnson assembled on Wednesday is not one for government, it is for political warfare.
BDS is a classic anti-Semitic political warfare campaign, masquerading as a human rights, social justice, and equality organization while harassing, intimidating, and even assaulting Jews and Israel-friendly students on campus.
During his comments, Dan Diker, a fellow and senior project director at the JCPA who is heading their program to counter political warfare and BDS, cited a study indicating a 70% increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes in New York City in the first six months of this year compared to 2018, with another study showing attacks on Jews up 57% nationally in the United States.
Internecine political warfare is so rife that ordinary civilians are not safe on the roads from cross fire and mistaken identity.
The country has had enough of endless political warfare, and we were hopeful that O'Rourke might be a candidate with the kind of courage to lead us toward compromise and comity.
The failure of President Uhuru Kenyatta's food security flagship project suggests political warfare if findings of a Senate committee on Galana Kulalu are anything to go by.
Some analysts predicted open political warfare over the constitutional division of powers, with Democrats defending Congress's right to conduct oversight and the president and his aides pledging to fight against what they describe as politically driven investigations.
'Response measures to China's fake news psychological warfare,' a collaborative report between the NSB and the Ministry of Defense's Political Warfare Bureau, was delivered to the Legislative Yuan on Thursday morning (May 2).