morale building

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Noun1.morale building - anything that serves to increase morale; "the sight of flowers every morning was my morale builder"
boost, encouragement - the act of giving hope or support to someone
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References in periodicals archive ?
He gets especially high marks for his morale building efforts, and a few years ago he shepherded the team through a round of outsourcing, administrative changes and staff hits.
He highlighted importance of promoting sports activities among police personnel as it was a great source for character as well as morale building.
I assumed my walking around was morale building and uplifting, but the CNA opened my eyes to how staff really interpreted my feedback, as mostly negative.
One of your objectives is morale building, and the quickest means to achieve it is actually breaking clay.
Perfect as a corporate gift for morale building, or for the presentation of military achievements, this display will not fail to please."
family support, and morale building expenses by raising funds that provide for
Committee member Keith Hyde said: "Discussions with the unions are one thing and discussions with staff are another but the wellbeing and morale building needs managers to go around and talk to the staff.
Tasked with putting on a corporate awayday for two important clients, the candidates have PS5,000 to spend on a fun, morale building event.
That's because the complex will be practically empty, after David Moyes and the first team squad flew to New York for a five-day morale building trip.
Microsoft's 'Retail Champs' program was started in 2009 and offers periodic one-to-one training updates, classroom trainings, certification, incentives, and morale building events.- TradeArabia News Service
The army top brass focused its attention on morale building among its personnel who were exposed to a lot of hostile propaganda by hardline Islamic leaders in the course of the security operations in the tribal areas while the MMA ruled the then NWFP.