Moral play

Related to Moral play: Morality tale
an allegorical play; a morality.

See also: Moral

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
On the title-page of Everyman we read: "Here beginneth a treatise how the high Father of heaven sendeth Death to summon every creature to come to give a count of their lives in this world, and is in the manner of a moral play." So in the play we learn how Death comes to Everyman and bids him follow him.
Its roots are the well-known English moral play Everyman (late fifteenth century) and the equivalent Dutch Elkerlijc (ca.
Johnson, the play was considered too lewd by Garrick who instead staged a moral play written by a clergyman,The Fashionable Lover.
Solihull Arts Complex, Solihull: 0121 704 6962: Measure for Measure An acclaimed adpatation of Shakespeare's most moral play (today 2.30pm & 7.45pm)
This first chapter, on the nineteenth century, is the most illuminating and entertaining in its account of attempts to make Jane Eyre a more moral play than it was a novel.
are taken from the plays of the last two years "against all the methods lately used for their reform'", Krutch asserts that Bedford went on 'to analyze "The Gamester" in order to show how had a supposedly moral play can be' (189).
A fundamentally moral play set in a deeply amoral world, Doctor explores the consequences of power in a world where murder is no more deadly than any other sin.
A Messenger, who appears in prologue to announce a moral play to the audience.
In her contribution to the Bennett Memorial volume, the late Paula Neuss, making out an intriguing case for approaching ~The Pardoner's Tale' via the mode of the English moral play, claims that the tales are ~perceived' by their audience in a manner not far away ~from the perceptions of an audience at a fully realised dramatic event'.
The other articles in this collection are either unconvincing (particularly the late Paula Neuss's |The Pardoner's Tale: An Early Moral Play?', and Bruce Harbert's attempt to show that Langland had moved from a voluntarist to an intellectualist view of the soul between B and C texts), slight (Hans-Jurgen Diller's |Theological Doctrine and Popular Religion in the Mystery Plays'), thirty years behind their time (Saul N.
(9) Ineke Murakami's stunning materialist consideration of morality plays, Moral Play and Counterpublic, draws in arguments by Marx, Habermas, and others about the creation of publics and the rise of capitalism to consider Mankind, Cambises, Horestes, The Longer Thou Livest the More Fool Thou Art, and Enough is as Good as a Feast in relation to wellknown works by Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson.