Moral agent

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a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.

See also: Moral

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
As a moral agent, Matilda was reckless, headstrong, violent, and unamenable to reason.
Here I have discovered its political necessity and its usefulness as a moral agent; here, moreover, I have come to understand its power, through a knowledge of the actual thing which the word expresses.
But the mind requires a victory to the senses; a force of character which will convert judge, jury, soldier, and king; which will rule animal and mineral virtues, and blend with the courses of sap, of rivers, of winds, of stars, and of moral agents.
Following classical virtue ethics, Brown focuses on the character of the moral agent; the question is not primarily what we should do, but who we ought to be.
Instead, it is about the question of moral excellence that focuses on whether moral agent is virtuous or not.
Recognition of need in others and an ability to respond appropriately to that need and consequent action legitimate one as a moral agent, and are the foundations of morality.
He argues that the primary object of evaluation should be agents rather than actions due to the moral agent question, and that the good of all is the justified determinant of moral evaluations.
In particular, my work leads me to suspect Nucci has omitted at least one essential component of character, one that requires looking further beyond the moral agent.
This essay defends the claim that, in certain circumstances of reasonable disagreement, proper care for a friend as a practical and moral agent requires allowing your friend's judgment to decide what you are to do, even when you disagree with that judgment (and even when the judgment is in fact mistaken).
However, even if there is some solution to that puzzle, there are more significant questions about what Kaspar means by "agent." Sometimes he uses the term "moral agent" and sometimes the term "person," but it is well known that there are deep problems with the view that we only have duties to other moral agents, since children and individuals with significant cognitive impairments are not yet, and may never become, moral agents.
Such a conversation would have been based upon the assumption that Savita was a moral agent, capable of making a moral judgment for which she would be held accountable.