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1. A device for transmitting messages by reflecting sunlight.
2. A device capable of imaging the surface and outer regions of the sun.
v. he·li·o·graphed, he·li·o·graph·ing, he·li·o·graphs
To send (a message) by heliograph.
To send a heliograph.

he′li·og′ra·pher (-ŏg′rə-fər) n.
he′li·o·graph′ic adj.
he′li·og′ra·phy (-ŏg′rə-fē) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


- Using a mirror to send a signal.
See also related terms for mirror.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. the measurement of the duration and intensity of sunlight.
2. the system or process of signaling by reflecting the sun’s rays in a mirror.
3. an early photographic process involving coated metal plates exposed to sunlight. — heliographer, n. — heliographic, heliographical, adj.
See also: Sun
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Rasha Kamal, the director of cultural development department at the ministry of antiquities, stated in a press release that the programme includes a number of lectures and interactive sessions on the Ancient Egyptian civilization languages, especially Heliography.
The show features thought-provoking photographic works such as Emirati Jalal Bin Thaneya's monumental image of a scrapyard from his Wrecked series; Brazilian Fabiola Chiminazzo's nostalgic, spiritual images produced using digital technology and the ancient process of heliography; John Marsland's photographs of the desert that ask questions about the preservation of the environment and of culture; and Kim Robertson's surreal exploration of time and space.
Heritage products and handcrafts participating in this festival are best known for being products of cultural exchange, including products featuring Photonic Heliography and products from the heritage towns in El-Fustat.
It was a copy of an engraving, and was made with the help of sunlight ( heliography process).
Not only that; but we the people of the Nile; were the first to write on earth the symbolic language called heliography, whereby Ethiopian language alphabets other languages were derived from.
After taking the pictures of various objects, I retired to my studio and start working on the pictures using the technique of heliography. The result is a fresh interpretation of the museum's physical space that reveals new insights to its design." Hanebeck said that though only 20 artworks are on display on the exhibition, there are many more of them.