

n, pl -men
a helicopter pilot
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Among the titles left unmentioned in unfavorable comparisons of Gold with other westerns were Monte Heliman's Ride in the Whirlwind (1965) and The Shooting (1966).
This embeds incongruity between the notion of a SET female entrepreneur and that of business incubation (Heliman, 1983; Watts, 2007).
The next day, the fest saw its most packed press conference, as Cybill Shepherd, Bud Cort and cult helmer Monte Heliman joined Daily Variety editor-in-chief Peter Bart and executive editor of features Steven Gaydos for a discussion of Hollywood's renaissance in the late '60s and early '70s.
MAIN STREET THEATER, Houston, (713) 5246706, www.mainstreettheater.com Little Foxes, Lillian Heliman; dir: Rebecca Greene Udden.
(4.) Alex Hodisan, Ziv Heliman and Avi Billlant, "CAE Software Predicts PLL Phase Noise," Microwaves & EF, November 1994, pp.
(7) John Heliman, Emmanuel Mounier and the New Catholic Left, 1930-1950 (Toronto, 1981).