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Related to gohonzon: Daimoku, Nam myoho renge kyo


(Buddhism) (in Nichiren Buddhism) the paper scroll to which devotional chanting is directed
[from Japanese go an honorific prefix + honzon object of respect]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This immanent reading of the Lotus Sutra can be found in many of his letters and treatises where he insisted that the "fundamental object of worship" (Gohonzon) is, in fact, not some transcendent power but a power that is immanent to our lives.
A particularly interesting case study regarding the change in rituals is MacWilliams's (2006) case study on the Gohonzon controversy.
Techno-ritualization: The Gohonzon controversy on the Internet.
Also reproduced are rituals centered in prayers (daimoku [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] gongyo [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) before the sacred object (gohonzon [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]); the custom of "discussion meetings" (zadankai [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) as a feature to attract new members and keep the constituents cohesive; and the ever-present invigoration of the present spiritual leader, Ikeda Daisaku [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (b.
(2) The Gohonzon is a mandala said originally to have been inscribed by Nichiren [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (1222-82) himself.
He was presented with his Gohonzon, a scroll with Chinese and Sanskrit characters on it.
"Believe it or not, my Gohonzon, which is my Buddhist scroll that I chant to every day.