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(Broadcasting) slang Brit a television set
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References in periodicals archive ?
CELEBRITY Gogglebox is coming back with a new six-part series starring Little Mix, presenter Rylan Clark-Neal and Boris Johnson's father Stanley.
BORIS Johnson's father Stanley has signed up for TV show Celebrity Gogglebox.
RYAN Tubridy says Love Island is banned from his TV - but he loves Gogglebox.
June and Leon sat side-by-side in them for 12 series of Gogglebox, but now, rather poignantly, they've been moved to opposite sides of the room, with a sofa in their place.
However, Gogglebox has now post a statement on its Twitter feed which said: "We have never carried out an application process for the show and have predominantly only ever street cast.
Gogglebox producers have been handed PS315,000 of taxpayers' cash for a TV advert - by the Government department tasked with axing PS12billion in benefits.
Back in 2015, the show's creator Stephen Lambert said: "Everybody on Gogglebox has been found and persuaded to be on the show and I think that's the key to why they are likeable and why the show works, because we get to know these people
According to theMirrorChannel 4's Gogglebox are looking for new contenders.