go-go dancer

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go-go dancer

(Dancing) a dancer, usually scantily dressed, who performs rhythmic and often erotic modern dance routines, esp in a nightclub or disco
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References in periodicals archive ?
As vixen go-go dancer Cherry Darling resigning from her terrible paying job, she runs into her mysterious ex-boyfriend El Wray at the Bone Shack, a restaurant owned by brothers J.T.
Rebecca Stanley As vixen go-go dancer Cherry Darling resigning from her terrible paying job, she runs into her mysterious ex-boyfriend El Wray at the Bone Shack, a restaurant owned by brothers J.T.
According to reports,23-year-old go-go dancer Polina Glenhas fled back to her native Russia to escape the public gaze after it was revealed she is dating55-year-old actor Johnny.
She used to be a waitress, a go-go dancer and a Playboy bunny.
Caption: From left: Lauren Greenfield, Adam, 13, and go-go dancer at bar mitzvah party at the Whisky a Go Go nightclub in West Hollywood, 1992, ink-jet print, 14 x 20".
Frankie works as a go-go dancer but she struggles to cope with her multiple personality disorder.
What was it like being a go-go dancer with Annie Dillard in your all-girl rock band, the Virginia Woolfs, at Hollins College in the 1960s?
Margulies was cast in David Rabe's "In the Boom Boom Room," playing a go-go dancer. "I just remember this feeling opening night--I was in my little cage with my boots on and I got this overwhelming sense of belonging somewhere," recalled Margulies.
In a video, wearing a pink wig the 28-year-old 'Applause' singer is seen saying that she was "tiny American girl from New York", who had started as a "go-go dancer" at the age of 18, with a dream, the Daily Star reported.
The third in line to the royal throne in England, Prince Harry, reportedly got really close and intimate with a go-go dancer following his split from longtime girlfriend Cressida Bonas, a report by The Sun claimed.
I remember when I was in college and dead set on proposing to 26-year-old Bambi Baba-reno, a go-go dancer at The Real Toad.
Sarah Russi, a self-described go-go dancer and lingerie model from Boston, tweeted that she would be among the women seeking the title.