first school

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first school

(Education) Brit a school for children aged between 5 and 8 or 9. Compare middle school
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

first school

nscuola elementare
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References in classic literature ?
As it would be the first school for Negro children that had ever been opened in that part of Virginia, it was, of course, to be a great event, and the discussion excited the wildest interest.
I drew better than her master in the first school in S-.
The two ushers at Tom's first school were not gentlemen, and very poorly educated, and were only driving their poor trade of usher to get such living as they could out of it.
People said: "Ask Archer" when there was a question of starting the first school for crippled children, reorganising the Museum of Art, founding the Grolier Club, inaugurating the new Library, or getting up a new society of chamber music.
'However, a sociable word or two on these mistakes became an easy introduction between us, and the weather was hot, and he helped me to a cool cabin on deck alongside his own, and his first school had been at Brussels as mine had been, and he had learnt French as I had learnt it, and he had a little history of himself to relate--God only knows how much of it true, and how much of it false--that had its likeness to mine.
They were never quiet, ceaselessly playing deck-quoits, tossing rings, promenading, or rushing to the rail with loud cries to watch the leaping porpoises and the first schools of flying fish.
WOOLER First School retained the Sean Simpson Memorial Trophy against Belford First School in a series of matches involving boys and girls from both schools.
I believe CJP Nisar belonged to the first school of thought.
SCISSETT First School were the winners at the Shelley Pyramid tournament.
Schools attending included Barndale House, Ellingham First School, Felton First School, Branton First School, Shilbottle First School, Lindisfarne Middle School, St Michael's First School, Whittingham First School, St Paul's Middle School, Longhoughton First School, Swarland First School, Dukes Middle School and St Paul's First School.
First school day for Kieron Shaw, Harry Shaw, Izzy Pearson, Shaniece Sturdy, Lewis Berry and Kelsey Sturdy
THIS picture of Hawkesbury First School, in Lentons Lane, Coventry, was taken about 50 years ago.

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