first violin

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Related to first violin: First violinist

first violin

- Leads the orchestra and plays notes in a higher range than second violins; parts for the first violin usually have more of the main tune and are technically more difficult to play.
See also related terms for orchestra.
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He drew himself up, a smile of debonair gallantry lit up his face and as soon as the last figure of the ecossaise was ended, he clapped his hands to the musicians and shouted up to their gallery, addressing the first violin:
The Doric Quartet's playing is superb throughout whether conveying the tender melancholy of the First Quartet's Andante calmo, with expressive playing from first violin Alex Redington, to the often acerbic and thorny Third Quartet.
Selina Shi from Moreton Hall was invited to participate in the first violin section after winning the 15-and-under string solo class at the Oswestry Music Festival back in March.
She isthe first violin of the State String Quartet.
He won his first award at the National Music Competitions for Young Artists at 10 and became a pioneering member and first violin of the Manila Symphony Junior Orchestra at 13.
One of the pioneering members of the Manila Symphony Junior Orchestra (MSJO), Villarin plays first violin and is frequently featured as a soloist.
Members Edmund Bagnell (first violin), Chris Marchant (second violin), Daniel Shevlin (cello), and Trevor Wadleigh (viola) spend their time making new music and touring internationally.
Jennifer Pike, pictured, joins her Czech colleagues to play Bruch's First Violin Concerto Today, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry.
On Saturday the cultural centre will again be the location where Ashkenazy will perform with four soloists from the CSO, first concertmaster Wolfgang Schroder and first violin Sorin Alexandru Horlea on violins, sub-principal of viola section Vladimir Tkachenko and principal cellist Jakub Otcenasek.
His father was a DJ and his brother, DJ Protege encouraged him to join in the family's heritage of music."My dad liked the idea and even bought me my first violin which is the one that I use to date.
So, after considerable amount of instruction in the piano and theory of music, at the ripe young age of ten, I decided to purchase my first violin and enlist the services of the best violin teacher I could find.
Medley Quartet is a string band of four classical musicians, Salma Balba plays first violin, Shadan Osama plays second violin, Nouran Hossam plays viola and Mohamed El Sayegh plays cello.

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