
Related to antibusing: Desegregation busing


US opposed to busing, the policy of transporting students to faraway schools in order to achieve racial balance within the public education system
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌæn tiˈbʌs ɪŋ, ˌæn taɪ-)

opposed to the busing of students from one school or school district to another to achieve racial balance.
[1965–70, Amer.]
an`ti•bus′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Kamala Harris' recent attack on his antibusing stance from that same era, the pivotal issue at this juncture seems to be race.
Justice Powell famously had been chairman of the segregationist Richmond, Virginia, school board when Brown was decided, (270) and he had submitted an antibusing amicus brief in the Swann case.
White women leading the Home and School Association (a Boston PTA-like organization) also gave a "feminist bent" to the antibusing movement.
In this new study, the author explores the history of five social movements in the United States from the 1960s through the 1980s: gay rights, women's rights, antibusing, antitax, and antiabortion.
One day he came upon the assault of Theodore Landsmark, a black, Yale-educated lawyer, who got caught in an antibusing rally on his way to an affirmative action meeting at Boston's City Hall.
With support from the Nixon administration, these efforts served dual purposes: stateside, they furthered the building of GOP support, as witnessed by the 1972 congressional election of Trent Lott, who effectively transmuted his former segregationist rhetoric into that of antibusing; nationally, the antibusing sentiment thus inspired helped deflect attention from racial imbalances to "activist" federal courts.
By March, a King-brokered settlement agreement with the school board had gained momentum, particularly among the white, antibusing public and in the white-owned media.
Although vehemently antibusing, the President made it clear that he would not appoint a racist to the Court, (51) and probably not just because the nominee would lose in the Senate.
Bryant grew up in the black community of Dorchester in the 1970s, during the height of the antibusing hysteria that paralyzed the city.
radical movements of the past fifty years, ranging from civil fights to the Ku Klux Klan, from the Boston antibusing movement to union organizing in Appalachia.
He "instructed the Attorney General and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare that they [were] to work with individual school districts to hold busing to the minimum required by law."(80) When the Emergency School Aid Bill reached the floor of the House, it was placed on the consent calendar, by Democratic House leadership, in an attempt to push the legislation through without giving the administration the opportunity to add the antibusing amendment.
These antibusing efforts, particularly outside the South, escalated in 1972 when the district court ordered the metropolitan Detroit desegregation plan into effect.(52) It was in this explosive political environment that the Supreme Court rendered its Milliken decision.