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Adj.1.fiddle-shaped - (of a leaf shape) having rounded ends and a contracted center
unsubdivided, simple - (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
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References in periodicals archive ?
Medical experts reckoned he had been bitten by a violin spider - a venomous arachnid with a 1in legspan and a fiddle-shaped mark on its body.
Joe Jakonczuk said he has been playing banjos "off and on for 25 years" and has noticed that Arkansans "have an affinity for things having to do with the state or its history and culture." This recognition prompted him to use his engineering skills to produce the "Razorback," his first banjo model, which has a "fiddle-shaped peghead."
Mountain Woods entertains with its Fiddle Bow Cheese Knife and Fiddle-shaped Board.