Fidel Castro

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Noun1.Fidel Castro - Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)
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Perhaps lost in all the turmoil is some understanding of the nature of communist states, even one headed by such a long-ruling, iconic figure as Fidel Castro. There is a vast difference between an old-fashioned "banana republic" dictator and a tyrant like Castro.
Our cover story takes a look at Cuba today, and at the long, difficult relationship the United States has had with Cuba since Fidel Castro's takeover in 1959.
(WCC)--In a letter addressed to Cuban President Fidel Castro, the general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Konrad Raiser, called the recent trials and long sentences given to Cuban political dissidents a miscarriage of justice.
Steve Sandison, 43, from Kirkby, has written to the country's communist leader Fidel Castro asking him to meet the Liverpool Clipper.
Despite the rupture, Fidel Castro vowed to send 1.2 million doses of meningitis vaccine to Uruguay.
The official story is that the 39-year-old time-out imposed on our island neighbor to the south of Florida has successfully isolated Fidel Castro and friends from the rest of the world.
FIDEL CASTRO'S AGE HAS INCREASED questions about who will succeed him in Cuba when the longest-ruling leader of modern times dies or loses his mental faculties.
Ashraf Siddiqui Doha Ambassador of Cuba to Qatar HE Eumelio Caballero Rodriguez led members of the Cuban community in Qatar to pay homage to their late leader, Fidel Castro, on his second death anniversary.
This day in history, 25th November marks the second death anniversary of Fidel Castro who passed away in 2016 in Havana.
RECORD: Fidel Castro holds the Guinness Book of Records crown for delivering the longest speech ever at the United Nations.
Summary: Havana [Cuba], June 22 (ANI): President Ram Nath Kovind along with First Lady Savita Kovind began their state visit to Cuba by paying homage to former Cuban prime minister Fidel Castro in Santiago de Cuba.