fiduciary issue

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Related to fiduciary issue: fiat money

fiduciary issue

(Economics) an issue of banknotes not backed by gold
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On the other hand, inequality is a class not fiduciary issue. To end inequality, class differences, not corruption, must be reduced, Redistribution of resources and assets cannot happen as long as Pakistan is a clientist military state, or under the current property regime.
By design, a currency board has no discretionary monetary powers and cannot engage in the fiduciary issue of money.
In the past year I have often discussed the UK's parlous financial state compared with that of other countries and I have been astonished that so many younger financial experts, bankers and accountants have never heard of the fiduciary issue. Does this have any bearing on the nation's problems today?
These resources, he suggested, should be released via a fiduciary issue, and used to promote local economic development or for counter-cyclical purposes, while still retaining 100 per cent cover on currency issued over and above the fiduciary issue.
This is a fiduciary issue since it can result in an inappropriate transfer of organization resources from the organization's principals to its management.
Although the aspects of proxy voting outlined to this point have been primarily administrative in nature, no account of proxy voting could be complete without a discussion about why some trustees view proxy voting as an investment issue as well as a fiduciary issue.
In July, with foreigners storming its gold reserve, the Bank of England shielded the domestic credit system by purchasing securities on the open market, by arranging a 50 million pounds credit with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of France, and by transferring securities from the Banking to the Issue Department to provide for new fiduciary issue. With the exchange rate below the gold export point, the Bank of England barricaded its gold reserves by raising the Bank rate from 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent on July 23 and to 4.5 percent on July 30.
Advisory Opinion 2013-03A does not address any fiduciary issue involved in selecting investment options that include revenue sharing expenses, nor any fiduciary issue that may arise as a result of the allocation of revenue sharing among plan expenses or individual participant accounts.