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Related to devoirs: duty bound


 (dəv-wär′, dĕv′wär′)
1. often devoirs An act or expression of respect or courtesy; civility: pay one's devoirs.
2. Duty or responsibility.

[Middle English, duty, from Old French, from devoir, to owe, from Latin dēbēre; see ghabh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(dəˈvwɑː; French dəvwar)
pl n
(sometimes singular) compliments or respects; courteous attentions
[C13: from Old French: duty, from devoir to be obliged to, owe, from Latin dēbēre; see debt]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Dans ma position j'ai des devoirs,"* said Helene changing from Russian, in which language she always felt that her case did not sound quite clear, into French which suited it better.
I meant to make her my devoirs, but, as I stepped forward, the old wound broke out afresh, and I had to turn away.
Catherine, by whom this meeting was wholly unexpected, received her brother with the liveliest pleasure; and he, being of a very amiable disposition, and sincerely attached to her, gave every proof on his side of equal satisfaction, which he could have leisure to do, while the bright eyes of Miss Thorpe were incessantly challenging his notice; and to her his devoirs were speedily paid, with a mixture of joy and embarrassment which might have informed Catherine, had she been more expert in the development of other people's feelings, and less simply engrossed by her own, that her brother thought her friend quite as pretty as she could do herself.
I remember this well; for, having sat up late that evening, correcting devoirs, and feeling weary and a little oppressed with the closeness of my small room, I opened the often-mentioned boarded window, whose boards, however, I had persuaded old Madame Pelet to have removed since I had filled the post of professor in the pensionnat de demoiselles, as, from that time, it was no longer "inconvenient" for me to overlook my own pupils at their sports.
I entreat your worship by your devoir as a gentleman to be so good as to make a declaration before the alcalde of this village that you never in all your life saw me until now, and that neither am I the Don Quixote in print in the Second Part, nor this Sancho Panza, my squire, the one your worship knew."
"Et vous oubliez votre devoir," she said to Veslovsky, who came out too on the steps.
unable to combat in her own behalf, she doth offer, by a champion instead thereof, to avouch her case, he performing his loyal devoir in all knightly sort, with such arms as to gage of battle do fully appertain, and that at her peril and cost.
"Adieu, mon ami; je vous souhaiterais un devoir plus agreable a remplir."
Paul, there are men so caitiff that they think more of a scrivener's pen than of their lady's smile, and do their devoir in hopes that they may fill a line in a chronicle or make a tag to a jongleur's romance.
La revision constitutionnelle [beaucoup moins que] vient jeter les bases de l'edification d'un Etat fort, juste et democratique qui garantisse tous les droits et devoirs, un Etat riche de son histoire, de sa culture et de son identite [beaucoup plus grand que], a indique l'UGCAA dans un communique.
Le chef du Comite de l'information, Dr Jamila Al-Gembe a dit dans une declaration a la SUNA que la Conference discutera trois axes pertinents a la structure de l'?tat, le systeme de gouvernement, la souverainete, les devoirs et des droits, soulignant que la conference par l'Universite est venue dans le cadre de son role envers la communaute.