Devon minnow

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Devon minnow

(Angling) angling a spinning lure intended to imitate the swimming motion of a minnow. Often shortened to: Devon
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If you are keen to catch that most prized fish, a "Scottish springer" early doors, you should have a Devon Minnow or two in your box.
Bait: PowerBait, worm, sweet corn, Devon Minnow. Patterns: Orange Fritz, Black Hopper, Black Midge.
Kielder Water: PowerBait, worm, sweet corn, Devon Minnow.
Best baits were: Powerbnait, Worm, Sweetcorn and Devon Minnow. SHARPLEY SPRINGS 0191 5818045 / SR70NP Dry fly enthusiasts have done really well on the Albert and Alice lakes.
A Bradley Cooper B Jennifer Lawrence C Robert De Niro D Jacki Weaver QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: What type of fish might be caught with a Devon minnow? A Trout B Pike C Salmon D Eel QUESTION 13 - for 13 points: What is the nationality of the Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero?
THE new salmon season on the River Wye opened on March 3 and the bottle of champagne offered for the first fish caught has gone to Jonathon Daniels who used a Devon minnow to hook a 21.5lb fish at Weir End on the Ross on Wye AC water.
I went for a huge Devon minnow in black and bright pink, while he tried a big Flying C in the same colours.
Best baits were Powerbait, Worm, Sweetcorn and Devon Minnow.
He'd cast a Devon minnow a little too far and it had got stuck in a tree on the opposite bank.
Bait: PowerBait, worm, sweet corn, mini Devon Minnow. Patterns: Orange Fritz, Black Hopper, Black Midge.
Kielder: Worm and sweet corn, Quill Minnow, Devon Minnow.
A springer will take a fly, if conditions permit, as readily as a Devon minnow, spoon or plug, providing it comes across his nose.
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