Devonshire split

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Devonshire split

(Cookery) a kind of yeast bun split open and served with whipped cream or butter and jam. Also called: Cornish split or split
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DEVONSHIRE Split by Claire Church at Remember Me Tearooms Ingredients: 450g (1lb) plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 x 7g sachet fastaction dried yeast, 25g (1oz) caster sugar 50g (2oz) butter, melted, 284 ml ( 1/2 pint) semi-skimmed milk, warmed Filling: 284 ml (1/2 pint) double cream, 225g (8oz) raspberry jam, icing sugar for dusting Method: Makes 10 Devonshire splits | Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl.
Tip: Try using different jams, marmalade or lemon curd to put a twist on the traditional Devonshire split.
| Check out these Devonshire Splits, made by Claire Church of Remember Me tearooms