deployed nuclear weapons

deployed nuclear weapons

1. When used in connection with the transfer of weapons between the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense, this term describes those weapons transferred to and in the custody of the Department of Defense.
2. Those nuclear weapons specifically authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to be transferred to the custody of the storage facilities or carrying or delivery units of the Armed Forces.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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This could be achieved with five new ballistic missile submarines and a backup force of 40 nuclear-capable bombers -- a total of 640 deployed nuclear weapons and 450 in reserve.
" The United States deployed nuclear weapons in South Korea from 1958 to 1991.
The United Kingdom has 120 deployed nuclear weapons and 95 stockpiled.
This is the same regime that has attacked many countries, refuses to sign the NPT, has deployed nuclear weapons on three submarines, and has even made clear that if Israel fails to exist, it will take everyone down the tubes with it through the use of nuclear weapons.
Even during the Cold War, however, the United States and Russia deployed nuclear weapons that defied the standard understanding of the difference between strategic and nonstrategic nuclear weapons.
Speaking in Berlin, Obama urged Russia to help build on the "New START" treaty that requires both countries to cut stockpiles of deployed nuclear weapons to 1,550 each by 2018.
reduced its deployed nuclear weapons by another 500 warheads when previous cuts of 10,000 have not done the trick?
Kyl said there was no time for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid and the Senate to consider the treaty, which would cut the two countries' deployed nuclear weapons by about 30 percent within seven years.
The treaty, signed by Obama and Medvedev in April, commits the United States and Russia to cutting deployed nuclear weapons by about 30 percent -- to no more than 1,550 -- within seven years.
The treaty was signed by Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, his Russian counterpart, in April and committed the former Cold War enemies to cut deployed nuclear weapons by about 30 per cent within seven years.
These vessels also obviate the need for operationally deployed nuclear weapons on US soil.

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