depleted uranium

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depleted uranium

(Chemistry) chem uranium containing a smaller proportion of the isotope uranium–235 than is present in the natural form of uranium; used in anti-tank weapons and other armaments
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

depleted uranium

[dɪˈpliːtɪdjʊəˈreɪnɪəm] Nuranio m empobrecido
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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The copper, because of its color, was used to spin and allege that ammunition with depleted uranium was used instead.
aI assure with full responsibility the residents of ManjaAa and Banja Luka that there will be no shooting at ManjaAa and nowhere in BiH, especially not with the use of depleted uranium, not even with the use of live ammunition,' Mr.
Depleted uranium is produced as waste by the nuclear power industry.
to all the citizens who died or fell sick as a proven result of the NATO bombing." "We expect the members of NATO to provide treatment to our citizens who are suffering from cancer," Aleksic said, adding that the bloc "must also provide the necessary technology and equipment to remove all traces of the depleted uranium" from Serbia.
The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons said the contaminated areas "pose a risk to civilian health and must be isolated and addressed as soon as conditions allow." In all, Air Force pilots dropped 5,265 30mm rounds containing depleted uranium in November 2015, destroying nearly 350 ISIS vehicles in the desert near Al-Bukamal, a city bordering Iraq. U.S.
Depleted uranium, left over from the enrichment process used to make nuclear weapons and generate nuclear energy, grows hotter over a long period because other toxic materials it produces when it decays also emit radiation.
Furthermore, to infer whether exposure to depleted uranium increased the leukemia incidence rate, we analyzed data available for the USA and IARC World standard.
Aneaka Kellay, from the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium, said: "The Scottish public will struggle to understand how the MoD thought they could evade their legal and moral responsibility not to pollute the sea by calling this a 'placement'.
The latest iteration came earlier this month when Deputy Musavi, who represents Ahvaz, said, "Unfortunately, in a number of births children are born paralyzed due to the dust and depleted uranium in the air flying to Iran from Iraq." He said the equipment in Ahvaz hospitals cannot cope with the problem.
It is not known whether any of the vehicles could or did fire munitions containing depleted uranium or what amount of depleted uranium could pose a threat to public health.
Depleted Uranium is a byproduct of the nuclear fission cycle and the uranium enrichment process.