delegation of authority

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delegation of authority

The action by which a commander assigns part of his or her authority commensurate with the assigned task to a subordinate commander. While ultimate responsibility cannot be relinquished, delegation of authority carries with it the imposition of a measure of responsibility. The extent of the authority delegated must be clearly stated.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Through equal delegation of authority, task force members consistently met group goals and exceeded expectations.
Grants of authority must be conditional, or else they are not a delegation of authority, but an abdication of authority.
The basis for the FHFB chair's comparatively broad administrative authority is a delegation of authority, which the board passed in 1990 and 1993.
Part 265, its Rules Regarding Delegation of Authority, pursuant to sections 11(i) and (k) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C.
TEI's list of guidance priorities is by no means a comprehensive list of every delegation of authority to the Secretary.
The new form has specifically eliminated the prior requirement that the principal initial a separate instruction to keep the delegation of authority in effect during periods of incapacity.
It typically contains a broad delegation of authority for him or her, but it also should specify which decisions are reserved for the partnership as a whole.
European companies are the most advanced in terms of diversification and delegation of authority. Nearly 36 percent of the European companies surveyed have subsidiaries in more than one foreign country, and these companies delegate authority in the areas of research and development and other important managerial functions.
The Air Chief, in an interactive session with the Airmen of Rafique Base, said, My work methodology will be based on delegation of authority through responsibility and accountability, which will be adjudged by the principles of Integrity, Professional Excellence and Teamwork.
At the same time, PAF needs to transform its maintenance system." The Air Chief, in an interactive session with the Airmen of Rafique Base, said," My work methodology will be based on delegation of authority through responsibility and accountability, which will be adjudged by the principles of "Integrity", "Professional Excellence" and "Teamwork." While dwelling upon flight safety aspects, the Air Chief said," Flight Safety is an important pillar of PAF culture.
These courts support the Service's position that the words "properly allocable" are deliberately ambiguous and constitute a delegation of authority to the IRS to determine when an expense may be properly allocated to a trade or business.

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