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(Placename) Cape Delgado a headland on the NE coast of Mozambique
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Approaching their car, which was approximately 40 feet from the bar, Delgado noticed that there was no bouncer posted outside.
Delgado. "We value this partnership greatly," he said.
Indigenous wisdom says that our actions now have an impact for seven generations,' says Karla Delgado, chief sustainability officer of TDG (Transnational Diversified Group).
If an agent needs more credit or owes a fee, another reminder goes out, said Jodie Delgado, continuing education team manager at TDI.
A new agreement between Delgado Community College and the University of Holy Cross aims to streamline the process for students to transfer into UHC's food science program.
"It's an interesting problem," says Mikel Delgado. She's an animal behavior expert at the University of California, Davis.
According to Harold Geronimo, Megaworld AVP and head of public relations, Delgado "is the revolutionary hero of Panay Islandhellip (who) Ilonggos look up to as far as independence and freedom are concerned." Geronimo added Megaworld's vision is to be a center of arts and culture and not just a business park.
ILOILO CITY--A bronze statue of Iloilo's revolutionary hero General Martin Delgado is a fixture at Iloilo Business Park, the 72-hectare township of property developer Megaworld Corp.
Inocente Delgado, 79, of the 500 block of Binder Street, was arrested in May 2017 and charged with five counts of predatory sexual assault of a child younger than 13 and four counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, all of which are felonies.
The central bank governor has suggested Margarita Delgado as the next deputy governor to replace Javier Alonso.

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