dean of guild

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dean of guild

(Historical Terms) the titular head of the guild or merchant company in a Scots burgh, who formerly exercised jurisdiction over all building in the burgh in the Dean of Guild Court
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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" Performing the opening ceremony was Dean of Guild Michael Kelly.
Michael Rae, a 12-year-old pupil from Whins of Milton, made a `neat speech' in presenting Dean of Guild Kelly with a travelling clock to mark the opening.
Volunteers will be required to research the Dean of Guild papers, the Seven Trade Books and the comprehensive newspaper indexes amongst other things.
Plans for the Burgh's new PS138,000 old folk's home in Merry Street, Motherwell were passed by the Dean of Guild Court.
Meanwhile, the "dean of guild", their leader, was also known as an alderman, which, in Scots legal terminology, was a "provost".
Dean of Guild Millar said in one house he visited a wall had a crack running up to its chimney head.
Plans for the proposed new primary school to be built by Lanark County Council in the first phase of the Burgh's mammoth development at Gowkthrapple were passed at the Dean of Guild Court.
A member of the Scottish National Party, Provost Stewart entered the town council in 1949 and had held office as Dean of Guild, junior and senior bailie.
Plans for a further block of flats in the Burgh were submitted and passed at a meeting of Motherwell &Wishaw Dean of Guild Court.The flats were set to be built in Flemington costing PS480,000.
Meanwhile plans for 217 homes and garages at Easter Cornton were approved by Stirling's Dean of Guild Court.
At a special meeting of the Dean of Guild Court, an application by theTown Council to construct roads and sewers giving access to the Bellshill Road Industrial Site worth an estimated PS28,000 was approved.
However, Dean of Guild Buchanan moved they look into the proposal more fully before taking a decision.