

1. having an inability to make decisive choices
2. having, providing, or furnishing with many choices
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Ask yourself: Is my child using the technology in an empowering, active, choiceful way, or is he or she doing so out of a sense of control or compulsion?
"Ask yourself, 'Is my child using the technology in an empowering, active, choiceful way - or is he or she doing so out of a sense of control or compulsion?' "In other words, 'Is my child using technology, or being used by it?'"
We've been growing, because just like in every other category consumers are being choiceful and saying, "hey, if I'm going to pay, I might as well get the stuff I want or the higher-quality thing and pay the extra dollar."People are willing to make a choice in paying for premium in different segments.
We will continue to make choiceful investments in core brands, our biggest innovation opportunities, and in our core developed and most promising developing markets.
That's why most of our faith traditions interpret themselves as stories, because they are teaching our hearts how to live as choiceful human beings capable of embracing hope over fear, self-worth and self-love over self-doubt, and love over isolation and alienation.
Choiceful strategies Once goals are set, you have to figure out how to achieve them.
Ryan and Connell (1989) discussed autonomy as an individual being choiceful in his or her actions and as being the locus of initiation of those actions.
Choiceful Simplicity: Simplicity means choosing our path through life consciously, deliberately and of our own accord.
Conscious evolution offers the possibility of an open-ended, choiceful future.
Your travel tote is the repository of all things essential and many things choiceful that add to the enjoyment--or at the very least, toleration--of your journey, which probably involves air travel as well as port visits.