
Also found in: Acronyms.


(Botany) dialect Northern English the core of a piece of fruit: an apple chog.
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THC yielded an approximate 2 kilobytes of code per image for a vocabulary with one million words, much less than directly sending CHoG descriptors (Chandrasekhar et al.
From a legal perspective, an ordination received by accepting the eight gurudharmas is considered an ancient rite (sngon chog), (60) whereas the ordination received before both communities became the current rite (da chog), (61) and it is this current rite that should be followed.
The Dem Chog is the Chakrasamvara common among our own Newars, the Dorje Khando is Vajra Dakini also found amongst the Newars, the Maha-Mahama yab is again a muddling up of Mahamaya Tantra as no such Tibetan deity is found.
Michalak AM, Anderson EJ, Beletsky D, Boland S, Bosch, NS, Bridgeman.TB, Chaffin JD, Chog K, Confesor R, Daloglu I, DePintoJV, Evans MA, Fahnenstiel GL, He L, Ho JC, Jenkins L, Johengen TH, Kuo KC, LaPorte E, Liu X, McWilliams MR, Moore MR, Posselt DJ, Richards RP, Scavia D, Steiner AL, Verhamme E, Wright DM, and Zagorski MA.
DEBBIE CLIFFE: I told my three-year-old something had happened and she asked me: "And were you like 'oh em gee'?" KELLIE CADWALLADER: My daughter asked me how to spell chog. Wondering what she meant I asked her what she was trying to say.
(37) The back cover carries the following warning: "commercial distribution is not permitted" (tshong las kyi ched du 'grem spel byed mi chog).
SITE PURIFICATION (GNAS YONGS SU SBYONG PA/SA CHOG): An extensive site-cleansing ritual involving appeasing the Earth goddesses and other local guardians, which when conducted on an elaborate scale, is marked by Sa gar (site-seeking ritual dance).
bu dang jo bo'i lugs la/ rang gi rtsa ba'i ma nas bsgom/ rig dzin 'jigs med gling gi dgongs pa ltar na/ bsha' lug la sogs pa sems can gsod du nye ba'am nad pa dang sdug bsngal can zhig la dmigs nas rang ngam rang gi ma rgan gyi 'du shes bzhag nas bsgom pa yin/ gang ltar bsgom kyang chog la/
'di dag gis // go skabs rnyed par 'gyur ma yin and the second half of Sa skya Pandita's Legs bshad rin po che'i gter, verse 412, where we read: chog shes rnams kyis nor rnyed kyang....
'Gos lo tsa ba gZhon nu dpal, Deb ther sngon po (p.1228 lines 3-5) mentions an episode of the interaction of Chag dgra bcom pa with Kha chen pan chen: "While Kha che pan chen was bestowing the bsnyen rdzogs vow to others, Chag [dgra bcom pa] recited las chog (i.e.