


plKehricht m no pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
He had but partially consumed his kill when he suddenly became aware of a movement in the brush at no great distance from him and downwind, and a moment later his nostrils picked up the scent of Numa from the opposite direction, and then upon either side he caught the fall of padded feet and the brushing of bodies against leafy branches.
At first the movements about those spots were of a humble kind--those that belong to domestic service or agricultural needs--the opening of doors and windows, the sweeping and brushing, and generally the restoration of habitual order.
The next morning, when I was brushing my hair, and thinking over my affairs, I called to mind a forgotten resolution of mine at the time I first read the Report of my husband's Trial.
They crept and crept, the hem of her petticoat just touching his gaiter, and his elbow sometimes brushing hers.
Dorothy seized him and raised him to his feet, brushing his clothes with her hand.
"I'll show you," she said, taking her husband's hand, lifting it to her mouth, and just faintly brushing it with closed lips.
He was lounging in a large easy-chair, looking over some letters that had come in the afternoon mail, and she was standing before her mirror, brushing out the complicated braids and curls in which Eliza had arranged her hair; for, noticing her pale cheeks and haggard eyes, she had excused her attendance that night, and ordered her to bed.
THE night was still young when there came one to the entrance of the banquet hall where O-Tar of Manator dined with his chiefs, and brushing past the guards entered the great room with the insolence of a privileged character, as in truth he was.
The sound that disturbed me was the faintest sound imaginable, as of something soft and light traveling slowly over the surface of the carpet, and brushing it just loud enough to be heard.
A hand closed softly on my shoulder, and at the same moment I felt something hairy and cologne-scented brushing my face.
"Shall we go right away?" she asked, after draining her glass and brushing together the crumbs of the crusty loaf.
Rebecca, on the other hand, had dressed up the dog in John's clothes, and being requested to get the three younger children ready for dinner, she had held them under the pump and then proceeded to "smack" their hair flat to their heads by vigorous brushing, bringing them to the table in such a moist and hideous state of shininess that their mother was ashamed of their appearance.