brush border

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brush border

(Physiology) physiol a layer of tightly packed minute finger-like protuberances on cells that line absorptive surfaces, such as those of the intestine and kidney. See also microvillus
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They do not label with WGA and they are secreted after the PTM has separated from the brush border. In addition, abundant granules, like those in epithelial cells of S.
The epithelium of buccal cavity consists of 3 cell types, the tall granulated columnar cells bearing microvilli; which appear as a "brush border" under the light microscope, the nongranulated cells, and the mucus cells having a "goblet" appearance; which are widely scattered in the epithelium (Fig.
It is sequestered in the wall of the small intestine and sits on the brush border membrane surfaces of the enterocytes.
A/E pathogens typically reside on a pedestal on the surface of the host epithelial cell and ultimately cause severe disruption of the microvilli brush border (Figure lA).
Proximal convoluted tubules were lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with prominent brush border and distal convoluted tubules were lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with relatively larger lumen.
Thyroid hormones also modulate zinc transport activity of intestinal and renal brush border membrane (Dake et al., 2013).
Proximal tubules were more in number and of larger diameter having low columnar cells with brush border, while distal tubules were smaller in diameter, less in number, having cuboidal epithelium without brush border.
Sucrase and maltase are intestinal brush border glycoside hydrolases and are responsible for the final steps of carbohydrate digestion.
Another explanation for synergism between these toxins is that the individual pores made by different toxins may act together and show higher toxicity than the individual pores in the brush border membrane of insect's midgut epithelium.
Membrane insertion of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin: single mutation in domain II block partitioning of the toxin into the brush border membrane.
They have a round and prominent nucleus that occupies most of the basophilic cytoplasm, lack brush border and are mainly located at the distal zone of the hepatopancreatic tubules (Fig.