

(Physical Geography) an area of land characterized by patchy shrubs and bushes
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This might lead to further loss of native grasslands and brushland by colonization of the invasive Chinese tallow plants (Conway et al., 2002).
Forests and brushland in Siberia burn every year, particularly in the
Anthropological studies suggest the area was originally brushland and the settlers forested the area themselves.
"You're super-gross but you're super-awesome," Izzi Brushland, an eighth-grader at the Arts and Technology Academy said as she examined a house fly.
When a forest or brushland wildfire threatens to engulf nearby neighborhoods, some homeowners might opt to quickly spray the entire exterior of their house with a temporary fire-retardant coating.
Structural problems are similar in these inner areas of north Portugal and Galicia, namely demographic desertification, brushland overgrowth, low income generated by specialized productions, and low employment level.
State-wide in distribution; inhabits numerous forested areas and open brushland. Conservation status: none; may be locally common.
"Annawadi sat two hundred yards off the Sahar Airport Road," Boo writes, "a stretch where new India and old India collided and made new India late." First erected by Tamil migrants who filled in wet brushland in 1991, Annawadi soon swelled with rural Hindus and Muslims arriving for the promise of work.
Unlike titmice and cardinals, however, this increase is not thought to be linked to increased bird feeding, but rather to the succession of abandoned farmland into dense berry-producing brushland.
Daytime bedsite selection by the texan white-tailed deer in xerophyllous brushland, Northeastern, Mexico.