ballistic trajectory

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Related to ballistic trajectory: ballistic missile

ballistic trajectory

The trajectory traced after the propulsive force is terminated and the body is acted upon only by gravity and aerodynamic drag.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.ballistic trajectory - the trajectory of an object in free flightballistic trajectory - the trajectory of an object in free flight
trajectory, flight - the path followed by an object moving through space
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Defence against the current inter- continental ballistic missiles solely depends on the calculation of ballistic trajectory and intercepting in these mid-flights.
Fundamentally, using a "hit-to-kill" interceptor to destroy a satellite in low Earth orbit and destroying, say, a Pakistani nuclear-armed missile re-entry vehicle on ballistic trajectory outside of the Earth's atmosphere are similar tasks.
A ballistic missile is a rocket that delivers a warhead by following a ballistic trajectory from one point on Earth to another.
Hypersonics may begin their flight on a ballistic trajectory but then change course unexpectedly, he explained.
Figures 3-7 show curves of the velocity component, ballistic trajectory, and spinning speed characteristics, respectively.
The HGV begin powered flight when it separates from the ballistic missile boosters, which follow a normal ballistic trajectory to give the payload vehicle the needed altitude, the source said.
It's worth noting that the impact sites reported by Wilkins, Moore, and Lovas are all consistent with the rocket's initial ballistic trajectory, Jodrell Bank's determination of its acceleration, and radio interferometry measurements of its course by Soviet tracking stations.
Six missiles were launched, hitting several high speed sophisticated Kaban target missiles, which moved along a flat ballistic trajectory at a speed of 1,200 meters per second at a height of 45 kilometers, he added.
This fuse, when attached to the tip of a 155mm High Explosive, or HE, projectile, helps to correct its ballistic trajectory. Thus, turning a current stockpile of conventional HE ammunition into near precision projectiles while simultaneously reducing the logistic footprint for our armed forces.
After the Proba-V Earth observation satellite, injected into Sun-synchronous orbit on the second Vega launch, and IXV, injected into a ballistic trajectory for a demonstration mission on the fourth launch, this coming autumn Lisa Pathfinder will be sent towards the Lagrange L1 point for a scientific mission on the sixth Vega mission.
In the first period, he joins the physics teacher in the playground to experiment and explains the basics of ballistic trajectory calculations.