

in a balletic fashion; gracefully
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We repeatedly lumber out of the truck in order to just be still, to pause by one of the area's intricately built dry-stone walls, to breathe in the view, or to balletically sift among the mossy rocks of a stream for meadowsweet (traditionally used by monks to make mead) and lady's smock.
But, all the good-natured ribbing flies out the window when they start calling septuagenarians 'predead,' unless you consider calling Keanu's penis 'balletically formed' fodder for rip-roaring comedy.
It's like watching a great clown balletically perform a fall that, rather than ending a physical movement, tumbles upward into a new part of the dance.
He has just pulled off his pants while standing, leaving one leg raised and foot balletically en pointe.
On the late afternoon drives back along the southern shore of Lake Qaroun the farmland and marshes yielded my first record of White-throated or Smyrna Kingfisher from the area and several Black-winged Kites, balletically graceful raptors in white and soft gray with black on the wings and glaring red eyes.
Then on 79 minutes a neat back-heel from Jeremie Aliadiere sent Justin Hoyte tearing clear down the flank (yes, you read that correctly) and the fleet-footed full-back squared for Tuncay to flick in balletically from close range.
Oshima, who has been with Eugene Ballet for six years, previously enjoyed a balletically electrifying partnership with Juan Carlos Amy-Cordero until his suicide in mid-2013.
Tom inclines toward Eva and encircles her with his arms, while Eva balletically arches her back and reaches toward Tom's face and neck.
Bard's Leon Botstein was in clear command, but Jean-Luc Tingaud's lighter-fingered, more balletically Gallic conducting made Chab-rier's delicious-but-expansive score move with far greater grace, bubble and fizz.
The car rocked balletically to the rhythm of chilly squeals and elastic slapping on pale flesh.
HOWEVER impressive monster trucks are when they're spinning balletically around on a single wheel and smashing cars beneath their mighty treads, they're perhaps even more striking when you're up close.