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ball carrier

or ball·car·ri·er (bôl′kăr′ē-ər)
n. Football
A player who carries the ball on an offensive play.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(American Football) sport an attacking player in possession of the ball
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"They have got a ballcarrier at No.8 and they have tough forwards, and it is a tough battle like we found out the last time, it was just a physical battle.
SEAN O'BRIEN IS PAST HIS SELL.BY DATE Flanker O'Brien was Gatland's man of the rubber for the Lions in New Zealand but a succession of injuries since have depowered the Irish ballcarrier.
The fact he's not afraid to dive to the pylon or throw a block to spring a ballcarrier is infectious, prompting teammates to follow suit and fans to spring from their New Era Field seats.
When Tellez got hurt early in the season, Kisiel became the Panthers' primary ballcarrier.
"As a powerful ballcarrier with plenty of pace he proved to be a really good fit with our playing style.
This is where really shows off his vision as a ballcarrier. Without the sore hammy to worry about, Odighizuwa is confident he continue to wreak havoc up front.
The void at number eight created by injuries to Billy Vunipola and Nathan Hughes is filled by Sam Simmonds, the in-form Exeter back row who serves as an effective ballcarrier despite lacking the size of his rivals for the position.
Dave ETP" Falcons director of rugby Dean Richards said: "Harrison is a strong ballcarrier and a good line-out forward who can play at lock, blindside flanker or No 8.
According to the makers of the product, Oregon also started using something called the Shadowman, which is essentially a tackling dummy that attaches to a harness, allowing someone to drag it in a way that mimics the motion of a ballcarrier.
Each Panthers ballcarrier has the luxury of running behind 6-foot-4, 265-pound junior lineman Liam Shanahan, who draws high and succinct praise from Mahoney.
Professionally, Bush enjoyed his most productive seasons as the primary ballcarrier for the Miami Dolphins, rushing for 2,072 yards and 12 touchdowns over the past two seasons.
Jamie Heaslip has been outstanding at No.8, Sean O'Brien is immense as a ballcarrier and Brad Thorn has brought the winning mentality and warrior spirit of the All Blacks.