balloon bomb

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Noun1.balloon bomb - a bomb carried by a balloon; "In World War II the Japanese launched balloon bombs against North America"
bomb - an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions
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Fu-go: The Curious History of Japan's Balloon Bomb Attack on America.
A bang that never happened also involved a Japanese balloon bomb. In the last year of the war, one of the balloons shorted out a major transmission line providing electrical power to Hanford.
Japan's World War II-era "balloon bomb." (133) Launched
My son's high school history teacher said that during World War II two schoolboys were killed when they found a Japanese paper balloon bomb in the Astoria area.
The balloon bomb is further evidence that bin Laden was using scientists to research methods of attacking the West.
On May 5, 1945, six picnickers were killed in Oregon when a balloon bomb they dragged from the woods exploded.
On May 5, 1945, people on a church picnic outside Bly - 60 miles east of Klamath Falls - triggered such a balloon bomb. The explosion killed a woman and five children.
Through scores of historic photos, many plucked from forgotten archive files; skilled historical research techniques; great, detailed explanations of everything from what it's like to jump out of an airplane to the construction of Japanese balloon bombs that sailed into the American west during World War II; and a determination to tell the complete, difficult story, the author paints a deeply human picture of a group of men who answered a call, stood up to formidable obstacles, and ultimately paved the road for the racial integration of the Armed Forces in the years after World War II.
The subjects included in this volume range from the Cleaners and Dyers War of 1924, Japanese balloon bombs, and the most devastating school disaster ever recorded to William Beaumont's unsurpassed medical discovery of 1822.

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