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(Animals) any of various colonial anthozoans of the subclass Alcyonaria with eight tentacles and other body parts in branches or segments of eight
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is the only known hard, calcitic, reef-building alcyonarian (soft) coral.
Garden bottom has a diverse faunal assemblage dominated by alcyonarian sea whips.
The chemical ecology of alcyonarian corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia).
babai individuals tightly curled their posterior part around the alcyonarian corals, thus pressing closed the mantle cavity opening and keeping their eggs within the mantle cavity.
Parerythropodium fulvum fulvum (Forskal, 1775), a symbiotic alcyonarian soft coral characterized by an encrusting growth form, a thin coenenchyme, and short polyp cavities, is common in shallow waters of the Israeli Red Sea coast (Benayahu and Loya, 1983).
The density of symbiotic algal cells in a number of hermatypic hard corals and alcyonarians from various depths.
Several groups of cnidarians (hydrozoans, alcyonarians, antipatharian (black) corals, corallimorpharians, zooantharians, madreporarians), and bryozoans fit into this category.
The corals were mainly scleractinians, but also included a few zoanthids, alcyonarians, and stony hydrozoans.
The incidence and rate of vegetative propagation among coral reef alcyonarians. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Townsville 2: 763-768.
These reports note parenthetically that susceptibility to disturbance by anchor ice apparently varies among species: at McMurdo Sound, sponges are disturbed most, whereas abundances of some other sessile epibenthic organisms (anemones, alcyonarians, actinians, stoloniferans, and ascideans) seem unaffected by the presence of anchor ice (Dayton, 1989; Gutt, 2001).
The density of symbiotic algal cells in a number of hermatypic corals and alcyonarians from various depths.