
(redirected from Aldabra Atoll)
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(Placename) an island group in the Indian Ocean: part of the British Indian Ocean Territory (1965–76); now administratively part of the Seychelles
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We'll watch a descent to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Aldabra Atoll, known as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean due to its many endemic species largely untouched by humankind.
We'll watch a descent to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Aldabra Atoll, known as the Galapagos of the Indian THE HOUSE OF EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE CHANNEL 5, 10PM TED Parrotman is so besotted by parrots that he changed his name, had his ears cut off, had his eyes tattooed, implants in his head and wants surgery to make his nose look more like a beak.
Best practice established by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature says that a certain amount of nature should be managed in a state as close to natural as possible, such as the Seychelles' Aldabra Atoll. A global target has been set by almost all countries to secure 10% of all oceans in protected areas by 2020.
The opposition in Seychelles has decided not to ratify the pact because of Assumption's relative proximity to Aldabra atoll, a Unesco World Heritage Site that is home to the world's largest population of giant tortoises.
According to the report, "three World Heritage-listed  coral reefs - the Aldabra Atoll in the Indian Ocean, the Belize Barrier Reef in the Atlantic, and Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the biggest on Earth - have been affected by 'devastating' bleaching events over the last three years," said the IUCN report.
The egg dimensions observed in this study were similar to those described in other isolated populations such as Cocos-Keeling Islands and the Aldabra Atoll (Table 2).