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obsolete a village or a villa in Portugal or a Portuguese colony
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References in periodicals archive ?
En una aldea en la que existen miembros que accedieron por compra de tierras, una senora, "presidenta de la comunidad", respondio: "nosotros vemos, si la persona es buena, trabaja, presta servicio a la comunidad, se porta bien, le damos un lugarcito, que haga su casita, pero primero vemos que clase de familia es".
John Leon Aldea was delivered exactly at 12 midnight of December 31, after his mother Mary San Jose Aldea had two hours of labour pains, Dr Estrella D.
CCTVs are everywhere and there are a lot of security personnel who give you a sense of safety," said Ferdie Aldea, an ambulance paramedic of Hamad hospital for almost nine years.
10 September 2012 a[euro]" Canadian Aldea Solutions Inc, a provider of services and solutions to television and media companies, and US Hibernia Media LLC, a unit of Hibernia Group which specialises in video signals transfer over fibre, said that they plan to amalgamate their assets and businesses.
Accessories Aldea,; DIG Gardens,; Safeway,
This site was 6.5 km SE Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Aldea el Rancho, 3020 m, Reserva Forestal Todos Santos Cuchumatan, (15[degrees] 29' 22" N, 91[degrees] 33' 16" W).
"I was having a conversation two years ago while on holiday in Spain about our idea and I said if we could get Aldea, a place in Holmfirth, it would be perfect.