ad referendum

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ad referendum

adv, adj
(Law) subject to agreement by others and finalization of details: an ad referendum contract.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Foreign ministers, says Sir William Temple, who was himself a foreign minister, elude matters taken ad referendum, by tampering with the provinces and cities.
The Council already agreed to approve the resolution ad referendum. As soon as it is done the three secretaries -- NEDA, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Budget and Management --will sign the IRR," Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Pinol said earlier.
Pernia said that the Neda Board approval of the loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency would be 'ad referendum.'
Following productive discussions, the IMF team reached a staff-level agreement ad referendum with the Mauritanian authorities on an economic reform programme to be supported by a three-year arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF).
Members of the Working Party will meet on 22 June to formally adopt the draft Accession Package ad referendum.
"The mission reached understandings ad referendum with the authorities on policies for 2015
I didn't know the Latin term 'ad referendum' till I met Andreas Mavroyiannis, so I looked it up.
Precisement, vendredi dernier, le conseil des ministres espagnol a approuve la conclusion "ad referendum" de la Convention d'association strategique en matiere de developpement et de cooperation culturelle, educative et sportive entre les deux royaumes.
The mission has reached staff-level agreement, ad referendum, with the authorities on the economic and financial policies needed to ensure the programme is on track to achieve its objectives.The mission and the authorities agreed that the macroeconomic outlook remains broadly in line with programme projections, with prospects for a gradual return to growth in 2014.
The Council has voted in favour of a resolution for the approval of the E-ELT and its first suite of powerful instruments, pending confirmation of the so-called ad referendum votes.