ad loc

Also found in: Acronyms.

ad loc.

at or to the place.
[< Latin ad locum]
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(16) Tal como apontou Dalimier (2002, ad loc.), esta frase e provavelmente uma conclusao ironica de Sexto, ou de sua fonte, e nao parte da citacao de Pindario, ja que Sexto afirma em [section] 206 que Pindario nao disse nada sobre qual uso deveriamos seguir.
Florentin correctly identifies the tower as the church, see his note ad loc. The date for the relevant part of the chronicle is given on p.
(20.) It may also echo Jupiter's own ambiguating admission et deus humana lustro sub imagine terras in line 213, which, as Anderson (1997, ad loc.) points out, carefully juxtaposes the two key, but slippery, terms.
The idea that Aufidius condemns Coriolanus for deluding himself comes from the words 'power, unto itself most commendable', which Parker glosses (ad loc.) as 'power, which thinks itself praiseworthy'.
As Fantham (1998 ad loc.) noticed, the senate's hero (vir optimus P.
Similarly, the word nervos (power) is one packed with a political, and not particularly feminine, resonance--Schoonhoven (1992, ad loc.) aptly draws a parallel to the phrase experietur consentientis senatus nervos atque vires (Cicero, Phil.