active matrix

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Related to active matrix: Active matrix addressing

active matrix

(Computer Science) computing
a. a liquid crystal display in which each pixel is individually controlled to provide a sharp image at a wide viewing angle; it is used in laptop and notebook computers
b. (as modifier): an active-matrix screen.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Jeon et al., "New fraction time annealing method for improving organic light emitting diode current stability of hydorgenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistor based active matrix organic light emitting didode backplane," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.
The leading growth area for active matrix small/medium displays was in cellphones, driven largely by the growing demand for smartphones.
However, it still looks minute compared to the 1.75 billion units of small-sized active matrix liquid crystal display units shipped in the same time period.
Active Matrix provides parallelism with more than 18,000 I/O pins and 4,000 programmable power supplies and a shortened signal path to pin electronics that improves signal integrity.
The Dell UltraSharp 2408WFP 24-inch widescreen flat panel TFT active matrix LCD monitor provides excellent color accuracy and uniformity from a 3000:1 contrast ratio and 400 cd/[m.sup.2] brightness.
Another factor: active matrix TFT-LCD displays found in many mobile and handheld products.
There are two kinds of OLEDs: passive matrix, and active matrix. Passive matrix displays are far more limited than active displays, currently viable only for displays about2 inches in diagonal; whereas active matrix OLEDs can be used in displays up to 70 inches in diagonal.
The portable unit weighs 25 pounds and contains all required cabling, a dual-processor Windows XP Pro x64 system, a 15-inch active matrix display, keyboard and 1.5 TB total storage.--Network Instruments
CMEL plans to incorporate Kodak's active matrix OLED display technology in small panel, mobile displays.