active agent

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: agent - chemical agent capable of activityactive agent - chemical agent capable of activity  
chemical agent - an agent that produces chemical reactions
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References in classic literature ?
Promises were still more liberally distributed than money by this active agent; and, in fine, nothing was left undone that could determine the wavering, or animate the disheartened.
About twenty-seven years of age, and spoiled, like others, by success, Martin Falleix had had the luck to become the active agent of Monsieur Saillard, the sleeping-partner in the working out of a discovery made by Falleix in smelting (patent of invention and gold medal granted at the exposition of 1825).
Villefort dictated a petition, in which, from an excellent intention, no doubt, Dantes' patriotic services were exaggerated, and he was made out one of the most active agents of Napoleon's return.
Mr Shaw said: "We are delighted to have won both the most active agent and dealmaker of the year awards once again.
The method comprises mixing an excipient, a disintegrating agent, a flavoring agent, a sweetener and an active agent in a V-blender; adding a lubricant to the V-blender; mixing the excipient, the disintegrating agent, the flavoring agent, the sweetener, the active agent and the lubricant in the blender for 25-40 minutes to get a homogenous composition; collecting and compressing the mixture on a tablet press; and packaging the tablet in a foil pouch.
In Burning Injustices, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Mr Field says the Tories have changed welfare from being a "line of defence against destitution" to "becoming an active agent in its creation".
The team won an impressive four of five awards in the CoStar league tables, including the most active agent by number of instructions and disposals.
Examining the history and development of the physical scale model across theater and architecture practice, Brejzek and Wallen aim to establish the model as an active agent in the making of space within an extended theater and performance studies and architectural discourse.
This makes it less likely that the selected active agent will be a good fit with the needs of a particular coatings application.
Citizens who comply with this rule transform their status from a passive agent to an active agent; otherwise, the agent will remain a passive agent.
Naylors was named the region's most active agent of 2014 in the office sector in a competition based on transaction volumes and run by online property magazine EGi.
Van Note will be joining Halstead as director of sales, Montclair, and Rhodes will remain as an active agent. Financial details were not disclosed.