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Related to academism: academicism


 (ăk′ə-dĕm′ĭ-sĭz′əm) also a·cad·e·mism (ə-kăd′ə-mĭz′əm)
Traditional formalism, especially when reflected in art.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

academicism, academism

1. the mode of teaching or of procedure in a private school, college, or university.
2. a tendency toward traditionalism or conventionalism in art, literature, music, etc.
3. any attitudes or ideas that are learned or scholarly but lacking in worldliness, common sense, or practicality. — academie, n., adj. — academist, n.
See also: Learning
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.academism - orthodoxy of a scholastic variety
traditionalism, traditionality - strict adherence to traditional methods or teachings
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Academism and simplicity should be combined not merely superficially, but also in structural analysis in order to create a constructive solution.
Interestingly, Leviev criticizes the influence of "academism" on jazz, associating the term with "traditionalism, elitism, snobbism," but not necessarily "complexity" (p.
'Science', as I explain in the last section, was not intended as a foundation, but more likely as a method allowing for free and horizontal contributions from everybody, providing alternatives to elitist academism which still seem worthy of consideration today.
They were the first to rebel against this scholastic tyranny of academism. Great colourists, they have opened new possibilities to the art of painting.
However, by the end of the century, abstract art had lost its avant-garde status and even had become a target of criticism; for example, Shirley Kaneda, a feminist artist, criticized abstract art as stale academism. (5) Modernist abstract art stressed purity and intellectuality while trying to separate art from external elements to achieve value neutrality.
This is how can be explained his call for the Gothic and, generally speaking, for the primitive, "initial", spontaneous forms of creation, in relation with the abhorring of classicism, in which he distinguishes only mannerism and academism. The biographical circumstances and the socio-cultural context in which Ruskin comes into his own (his first successful book, Modern Painters, vol.
However, one should be wary of reducing art to purely the application of stylistic codes on materials as repeatedly applying these rules will eventually lead to unoriginal academism. There is a danger that an artistic style can become over-determined, becoming stale or relying solely on conventions.
Therefore, the hate of Cubists or Fauvists was of political orientation: "if the world and people do not appear as academism represents them, if there is no category of 'objects' to paint and no well delimited technique to make them represented, then the whole system crashes, including individual and collective behavioral attitudes".
There is much change required before an entire volume can be filled with such voices, but Speaking for Ourselves is a valuable resource for those living and/or researching mergers of activism, academism, and indigenism in a way that respects all our relations.
Good and inventive creators can be found in each round of the competition, yet the point is for there to be more of them and that they don't find themselves trapped in an enclave of disinterest under the flag of experimental laboratory academism.