academic dress

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academic dress

(Education) formal dress, usually comprising cap, gown, and hood, worn by university staff and students
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Medieval universities helped inspire academic dress, including the familiar graduation cap.
However, almost all agree that the origins of academic dress date back to the thirteenth-century when monks and priests wore lengthy, flowing, dress-like garments with long and loose sleeves (Hargreaves-Mawdsley 1978).
The deputy president graduated with a PhD in plant ecology and were it not for his distinctive academic dress a velvet red gown with tiffany blue trimming one would never have distinguished him from fellow graduands.Ruto was the only one who graduated with the degree in plant ecology, so was the situation with other graduands in the other doctoral disciplines.
Finals were squeezed into a single week and taken two a day in full academic dress - gown and mortar board.
The Turkish MP posted photographs of the nine British citizens -- five men and four women -- some proudly posing in academic dress on graduation day.
In total, about 4,000 students, dressed in academic dress, have gathered in the town over the five days.
Many of the graduates were accompanied by proud friends and family and all wore uniform in addition to formal academic dress.
ON THIS DAY LAST YEAR: Oxford University rewrote the laws governing its strict academic dress code following concerns that they were unfair towards transgender students.
The video, which is supported by police, warns that academic dress and dinner jackets could make undergraduates an easy target for abuse and attacks by aggressive residents.
What distinguishes academic dress in the workplace?
The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic's principal conductor, who is also principal conductor of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, will wear full academic dress and will give a public address at Hope's Cornerstone building in Everton before being installed as a visiting professor.

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