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 (ăb-străk′shən, əb-)
a. The act of abstracting or the state of having been abstracted.
b. An abstract concept, idea, or term.
c. An abstract quality.
2. Preoccupation; absent-mindedness.
3. An abstract work of art.

ab·strac′tion·al, ab·strac′tive adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.abstractive - of an abstracting nature or having the power of abstractingabstractive - of an abstracting nature or having the power of abstracting; "abstractive analysis"
theoretic, theoretical - concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations; "theoretical science"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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In other words, he recognized that all thought is abstractive, but he also recognized that abstraction "expresses nature's mode of interaction and is not merely mental." When thought abstracts, it "is merely conforming to nature--or rather, it is exhibiting itself as an element in nature." (5) For Whitehead, Kant was mistaken in seeing thought as distinct in kind--either epistemologically or ontologically--from other modes of relations in the world." When such a qualitative distinction is made, the world can never show up to us in our perceptions of it because we are harboring some illusion of a distinction between our "categories" or "structures" of thought and what is the really the case.
Their topics include using a polytope model for unsupervised document summarization, rich feature spaces and regression models in single-document extractive summarization, a survey of neural models for abstractive summarization, headline generation as a sequence prediction with conditional random fields, and whether better summaries are also easier to understand: analyzing text complexity in automated summarization.
The structure of the rest of this paper is as follows: in [section]2 I will outline the basic principles of an abstractive model of grammatical description, focusing in particular on the essential differences between pedagogical and language-user approaches.
In the following subsections, we introduce some recent related extractive and abstractive works with more attention to the works that are higher relevant to the study of this paper, including LSA based approaches, embedding-based approaches, and deep learning-based ones.
Contra the primacy of intellection in the dominant Thomistic paradigm, Scotus's model of perception ran from intense and intuitive particularity (the thisness of a thing) toward its abstracter nature (quidditas, what ness), from "intuitive" to "abstractive cognition." (6) And what the former, also called "simple apprehension" (simplex apprehensio), allowed people to cognize were objects both as present and, to some degree, as singular.
Coexistence between Saleem Sakhi and the environment has become a source of creativity and inspiration in abstractive style, as well as his studies about design have helped him understand the nature of that art.
Nonetheless, RFT does not make specific claims about therapy or what it should involve, doing so is entirely abstractive. This is not necessarily problematic, but it is not appropriate to suggest that the theory makes claims of this sort.
The author's misgivings about facile interpretations of a Christian-Moor identity complex, by now a well-worn commonplace within literary and cultural studies, extricates from the stalemate fresh perspectives that help readers move beyond abstractive and blighted views of the post-convivencia epoch that have been tailored to meet predictable narratives of cultural conflict.
Grob (1998) suggested that the music therapy services with clients on the autism spectrum may fall into the rehabilitation category if the clients are responsive to facilitated communication and show a degree of abstractive ability because it could be considered as restoring or gaining access towards an untapped ability.
Based on the holistic approach of African practices, Ruch (1984:46) affirms that African indigenous knowledge 'does not follow the fragmenting activity of abstractive knowledge, its contact with the real is more immediate and involves the whole man (sic) and not only his intellect'