

formal able to be abstracted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Liu (1996b) pointed out that the major issue of contrastive rhetoric, as represented by Kaplan (1966), Oliver (1971), and Matalene (1985), is "its assumption that there exists an easily abstractable and consistently definable set of 'essential' characteristics" in non-Western rhetorical traditions, which runs counter to the fact that "a culturally based rhetoric is necessarily multifaceted and [that] its development is correlated with changing social conditions and historical circumstance." To avoid using the "[Eurocentric] deficiency model" which claims 'rhetorical universals'" across culture (p.
Thus, for the purposes of this paper Forsthoff is not a heroic person who crafted an unprecedented political rationality all by himself, but a soundbox affected by the problematic situations and political resonances of his time who assembled them in a unique yet abstractable way.
Yet here the later Bakhtin at any rate might well have agreed: it is more realistic to orient to the child as inextricably enmeshed in a dialogue with the other than to treat the child as an abstractable, separable individual consciousness.
Li, either as "principle" or "activity itself," depends on shi for its existence, just as shi depends on li: neither are abstractable from the other.
abstractable, mobile, and dynamic" global phenomena which transcend and rearrange 'society', 'culture', and 'economy' and become articulated in assemblages which "define new material, collective, and discursive relationships".
Free radicals can be produced by light photons or by metal ions or by the spontaneous reaction of oxygen that has material with a readily abstractable hydrogen.
While the difference between solubility parameters of monomeric coagents and elastomers results in the likely formation of highly crosslinked domains and a heterogeneous crosslink density, more reactive host polymers may help balance the tendency towards coagent homopolymerization by actively participating in cure reactions through easily abstractable hydrogen or even addition reactions.
2) the abstractable contents cp and cq are such that cp and not-cq are incompatible when cp and not-cq are given the same performative force (19).
Jason Salavon, for example, has been doing so for years, but where Salavon tends to use different kinds of information (films, statistics) as abstractable content, Arcangel simply lets the tools be tools and asks whether the results can be deemed a successful failure; he willfully disregards his materials, itself a time-honored strategy for artmaking.
The impact of these 'ageing' poems lies not in abstractable content, but in unflinching linguistic observation: more unflinching in Afrikaans than in the English equivalent.