abstract noun

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Related to abstract noun: collective noun

concrete nouns vs. abstract nouns

All nouns serve to name a person, place, or thing. Depending on whether they name a tangible or an intangible thing, nouns are classed as being either concrete or abstract.
Concrete nouns name people, places, animals, or things that are or were physically tangible—that is, they can or could be seen or touched, or have some physical properties.
Abstract nouns, as their name implies, name intangible things, such as concepts, ideas, feelings, characteristics, attributes, etc.—you cannot see or touch these kinds of things.
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abstract noun

(Linguistics) a noun that refers to an abstract concept, as for example kindness. Compare concrete noun
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ab′stract noun′

a noun denoting something abstract, conceptual, or general, as kindness, dread, or transportation.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
abstrakt substantiv
References in periodicals archive ?
Initiative is one abstract noun formed from that verb, the implication being that you have struggled on your own not only to create that idea but also to materialise it, namely, to bring it to life.
Now democracy is not a concrete noun - it is an abstract noun, therefore, there is no one definitive definition.
In the error substitute section of the data the most common error found was "the" being used instead of 0 article before plural nouns with the frequency of 42 followed by "the" used instead of 0 article before an abstract noun with 22 frequency (5.8%).
Jastrow (1231) proposed that [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in this verse is a feminine abstract noun meaning 'management, administration'.
One particular feature of German that Goethe exploits is its ability to make an adjective into an abstract noun by just inflecting it as a noun: English needs a suffix to make "bright" into "brightness" but German doesn't (hell becomes die Helle).
Teaching Shakespeare and Marlowe reflects 'systemness', and provides ways of seeing 'system'--an abstract noun capturing the oppressive features of particular educational institution systems--and of finding productive, if temporary, 'exile' from it.
The present study addresses a specific instance of figurative expressions, where a verb that is usually combined with concrete nouns is coupled with an abstract noun instead, which induces a figurative interpretation of the action.
The word class is changed by using morphemes like gulluish (adjective); gulluishly (adverb); gullunize (verb); gulluism (abstract noun); the plural form is gullues; the past simple tense of gullu rather than being gullued is gulloished; the comparative form of gulluish is more gulluish (not gulloisher down the request stating that the term Gullu does not meet the entry criteria required for including a word in Oxford Dictionaries."
When I was little, I had a special loathing for abstract nouns. I could never decipher why `jealous' was not an abstract noun, but `jealousy' was, if abstract nouns, as per the teacher were `things' that one could only `feel in the heart' and not by touch.
He and I must have different noses because I could smell aspiration, energy and ambition (though ironically, in my poetry workshop, I would have given short shrift to the kids if they said they could smell an abstract noun).