United Empire Loyalist

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United Empire Loyalist

(Historical Terms) Canadian history any of the American colonists who settled in Canada during or after the War of American Independence because of loyalty to the British Crown
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His United Empire Loyalist ancestors had farmed at the same acreage on Highway 24 for five generations before German established his trucking and soil hauling business.
Recently, the congregation has been busy working out a design for the window, which is expected to be completed in time for this year's United Empire Loyalist Service at St.
The electorate vote, my grade ten history teacher impressed upon us rangy pack of refugee children that we were sons and daughters of boat people Italians, Greeks, beautiful blacks from the sultry Caribbean and me, great-great grandson of a United Empire Loyalist
It is important to remember that we can only fully understand the experience of our United Empire Loyalist ancestors by knowing more of their history, not just that which began after the American Revolution.
I cannot understate what it means to have been appointed the first Honorary Fellow of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada.
The placing of "United Empire Loyalist Burial Ground" signs has been tackled by at least Colonel John Butler Branch and Grand River Branch, so it was time that the Bay of Quinte Branch addressed this worthy endeavour.
Noreen co-chaired the United Empire Loyalist Association's successful Promotions Committee with her partner, Gord Dandy.
I am a great proponent of placing "United Empire Loyalist Burial Ground" signs at cemeteries or graveyards where Loyalists are known to be buried, whether there is a surviving grave marker or not.
It was for descent from United Empire Loyalist, Maurice Peters UE.
The Annual General Meeting of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada will be held on Saturday, 01 June 2019, at 9 a.m.
As when America rashly left benevolent British rule, there will be many United Empire Loyalists seeking refuge and resettlement within the remaining imperium of Brussels.

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