United Arab States

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United Arab States

pl n
(Placename) a federation (1958–61) between the United Arab Republic and Yemen
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In a statement, the Spokesman clarified that, 'Senator Dar was professionally engaged as Financial Adviser in United Arab States (UAE) from year 2002 to year 2008 and same was properly disclosed in Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and Tax Returns for the said period.'
ISLAMABAD -- Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has upgraded its academic faculties for the overseas Pakistanis, particularly those living in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab States (UAE), Oman and Bahrain.
THE STORY: On 11/9/01, in the United Arab States: "This is the day the world changes." Four planes bound for various points in the Middle East crash into Baghdad's twin Tigris and Euphrates World Trade Towers and the Arab Defense Ministry in Riyadh.
This shows how the structure of education has deteriorated and will bring serious problems in the future," Colley added.The Ministry of Displacement and Migration said that at least 30 percent of the total numbers of professors, doctors, pharmacists and engineers in Iraq have fled to neighboring countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and United Arab States (UAE) but some have traveled to as far as the US, Canada, Australia and Britain."Some academics are lucky to get a good job and good salary but the majority are suffering and are having difficulties in having their university documents recognized [abroad].

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