United Provinces

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United Provinces

pl n
1. (Placename) a Dutch republic (1581–1795) formed by the union of the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands, which were in revolt against their suzerain, Philip II of Spain
2. (Placename) the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. See Uttar Pradesh
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Unit′ed Prov′inces

the seven northern provinces in the Low Countries that declared their independence from Spain in 1581 and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Netherlands.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The united provinces of the Low Countries, in their government, excel; for where there is an equality, the consultations are more indifferent, and the payments and tributes, more cheerful.
The brothers De Witt humoured Louis XIV., whose moral influence was felt by the whole of Europe, and the pressure of whose material power Holland had been made to feel in that marvellous campaign on the Rhine, which, in the space of three months, had laid the power of the United Provinces prostrate.
Shall we secure - answer me frankly - the neutrality of Spain, if we undertake anything against the United Provinces?"
To embroil Europe with the Provinces would doubtless be our policy, but the king of France is an ally of the United Provinces. You are not ignorant, besides, that it would infer a maritime war, and that France is in no state to undertake this with advantage."
d'Almeda and I," said Colbert, "that a conflict with the United Provinces would mean a maritime war."
He carried the strictness of this order so far as to detain in England the ambassadors of Denmark, who had taken their leave, and the regular ambassador of Holland, who was to take back to the port of Flushing the Indian merchantmen of which Charles I had made restitution to the United Provinces.
In this period they had witnessed the deadly struggle between the two parties, into which the people of the United Provinces, after their separation from the crown of Spain, had divided themselves.
Suppose, sire, for example, that, sooner or later, you should have war with Holland, which, sooner or later, will certainly happen; or with Spain, which will perhaps ensue if your marriage fails"(Mazarin stole a furtive glance at the king), "and there are a thousand causes that might yet make your marriage fail, -- well, would you approve of England's sending to the United Provinces or to Spain a regiment, a company, a squadron even, of English gentlemen?
Lidewij's thesis contributes to the knowledge of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces and adds an important dimension to our understanding of Europe's dynasties.
One goal of the organizers was to spark conversation across the historical and historiological rift that keeps opening between study of the Northern Protestant United Provinces (today's Netherlands) and the Catholic South (roughly Belgium and Luxembourg).
Jamia Millia Islamia, an institution originally established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920 became a central university by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1988.

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