El Minya

(redirected from Minya, Egypt)
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El Minya

(ɛl ˈmɪnjə)
(Placename) a river port in central Egypt on the Nile. Pop: 225 000 (2005 est)
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Harris Pye will showcase its engineering capabilities to execute the boiler system of Canal Sugar's mega project in Al Minya, Egypt. Utilising its Sharjah workshop, Harris Pye will complete a portion of the fabrication required for the project before transporting it to Al Minya for the execution of the boiler system.
MINYA, Egypt: Egyptian archaeologists uncovered a Pharaonic tomb containing 50 mummies dating back to the Ptolemaic era (305-30 BC), in Minya, south of Cairo, the ministry of antiquities said on Saturday.
Antiquities Minister Khaled Anani and Tourism Minister Rania el Mashat inspected on Friday the archaeological site of Tell el-Amarna- Egypt Today/Hassan Abdelghafar MINYA, Egypt - 1 February 2019: Antiquities Minister Khaled Anani and Tourism Minister Rania el Mashat inspected on Friday the archaeological site of Tell el-Amarna, Dayr Mawas, in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Minya.
MINYA, EGYPT * Two buses carrying Coptic Christians were ambushed Nov.
MINYA, Egypt (Reuters) - Egyptian Christians buried six members of the same family on Saturday who were shot dead while returning from a baptism at a Coptic monastery in Egypt's Minya province.
MINYA, Egypt -- Islamic militants on Friday ambushed three buses carrying Christian pilgrims on their way to a remote desert monastery south of the Egyptian capital of Cairo, killing seven and wounding 19, according to the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Interior Ministry.
Those who expressed the solidarity included Secretary General of the Society for the Care of the Preservation of the Holy Quran in Minya, Egypt, Sheikh Hamed Jouda, teacher of the Institute of Imam Shafi'i in the State of Djibouti, Abdullah Al-Ahdal, General Supervisor of the Institute of Imam Shati in Sudan, Dr.
Secretary General of the Society for Custody and Memorization of the Holy Quran in Minya, Egypt, Shaikh Hamed Jouda, teacher of the Institute of Imam Shafi'i in the State of Djibouti, Abdullah Al-Ahdal, General Supervisor of the Institute of Imam Shati in Sudan Dr.
2017 Gunmen attack bus carrying Coptic Christians in Minya, Egypt, killing 23 people.
"We are fully committed to providing a dynamic and varied programme of events and activities such as these to inspire, educate and inform the local community." Some of the highlights of these documentary series include Colour Maker, an exploration of artist Hassan al-Sharq's journey from early childhood and humble beginnings in the small village of Zawyet Sultan in Al Minya, Egypt. The film traces his success in establishing himself as a globally celebrated artist and celebrates his talent for showcasing landmarks from Egypt and the Arab world in striking paintings now exhibited in several of the largest museums around the world.
MINYA, Egypt: The Egyptian air force struck six "terror camps" in Libya late Friday night in retaliation for an attack on a bus of Coptic Christians earlier in the day, state media reported.
NEW YORK, May 26 (KUNA) -- The UN Security Council condemned on Friday in the strongest terms the "heinous and cowardly" terrorist attack on a bus traveling to a monastery in Minya, Egypt, where at least 28 people were killed and dozens were injured, including children.