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(Physical Geography) (in E Africa) a dry wooded area with sparse deciduous growth
[C19: probably from a Niger-Congo language]
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Covering much of the Zambia Central Province, the Miombo woodlands are home to a diverse ecosystem that includes antelopes, elephants, rhinos, giraffes ...
The forest reserve located in Machinga district in southern Malawi, is part of the extensive Miombo woodlands, which extend across central and southern Africa and cover significant land areas in Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and southern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Evidence of decentralized forest management from the Tanzanian Miombo woodlands'.
Mtambanengwe F, Kirchman H (1995) Litter from tropical savanna woodland (Miombo): chemical composition and C and N mineralization.
The analysis, released last week, said key biodiverse sites around the world projected to be most affected by localised extinction include the Amazon, the world's largest tropical rainforest, and southern Africa's Miombo Woodlands.
The Amazon, the Miombo Woodlands in southern Africa and southwest Australia are some of the most affected areas, research by the University of East Anglia, James Cook University and WWF found.
But right now, the newest residents of Malawi's Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve are proving harder to locate than a proverbial needle in a haystack - or an elephant in miombo woodland, in this case.
But on my trip, the newest residents of Malawi's Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve proved harder to locate than a proverbial needle in a haystack - or an elephant in miombo woodland, in this case.